Turning into a taco…

I think I may be turning into a taco, but it`ll be a submissive transition if it happens. Still in Mexico and the food here is still amazing.

We are now in Puerto Escondido after a busy week.

We watched Lucha Libre at Arena Mexico last Thursday, which was amazing after we had adjusted our seating position from second class to Ringside! We saw all shapes and sizes take to the ring and fight it out, there was a royal rumble style ladies bout, a tag team event with a side order of dwarf dressed in fur, and the main event with Strongman and Mystico! Mystico being the man of the moment and all round superstar, Strongman the strongest man I may ever have seen, muscles on muscles. We shouted and cheered all night, well until someone threw a cup at my head. We also had an enthusiastic local man sat beside us who had a bag full of the wrestlers masks to wear on his hands as they taught each other lessons in wrestling, excellent!

The morning after, having slept for a good 2 hours we were on our way with Leonardo, our Couchsurfing hosts brother, to the American Football game at the UNAM. Leonardo had taken us to Club Dubai after the wrestling, so we were all in the same boat regarding sleep. Regardless, spirits were high as we had Octavio our host, playing as wide-receiver for the Puma´s to look forward to. We arrived at the beautiful stadium and took our seats among the ~40,000 strong crowd. The game went well with the Puma´s emerging victorious, securing a place in the final on Friday 20th against and in Monterray. After the game we went for a meal with Octavio and family as we were leaving the next day, then we joined the football team for celebratory drinks. Most of the team were like slightly smaller versions of Strongman, but not as agressive. They were in fact very accomadating, we all drank lots of Ron (rum) and cheered. After a good night, drawn to a close over several tequilas and a handful of bear hugs, we were on our way home, 3 hours before the bus left for Oaxaca City. (Oh-wha-hacka City I´m told)

Arriving at Oaxaca City at 4pm we could see instantly although still a large city, it was going to be a more relaxed affair than Mexico City. Our new Couchsurfing host Carlos picked us up from the Bus Station and took a tired Sam and Rob to his parents house. Carlos showed us to our room and we slept for a few hours before waking to hear the plans for the evening. We headed out to eat their local dish with Carlos and his friend Rodro. The local dish was a massive flatbread folded in half filled with a mixture of meat and their local speciality ´Mole Negro´, which is a chocalate based sauce, very tasty. We ended the evening at a pool party as it was someones birthday, whoo!

The next day we explored the city which is like a traditional Mexican town combined with the good vibe and style of Barcelona. We ate some grasshoppers at the market and Sam devoured 3 live wriggling worms, the worms he said, tasted like tomatoes, I tried the dead versions, and he was right. We spent the evening chatting and drinking at a rooftop bar, I may have mentioned my love of roorftops, good roof. We were given the keys to Carlos´ spare apartment which also coincidently had a good roof, and enjoyed a guided tour around some local attractions during our stay, one which ended at a mescal factory, mescal being the local spirit here in Oaxaca, it´s brewed from cactus and makes you act strange and see weird things. Note to self: Go easy on the Mescal.

We left Carlos´ apartment and continued our journey here to Puerto Escondido, today we saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time, and it´s amazing. After a busy start to the trip, now it´s beach time.

In other news

* Sam starred in a photoshoot

* There´s a 3-day fishing competition starting here tomorrow (We may make press passes)

* Staying in hostel pales in comparison to the experience of Couchsurfing.

Adios, missing everyone.


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